June 20

Coconut Milk Eggnog


Coconut Milk Eggnog

So many are in love with eggnog, but those calories add up quickly! This dairy-free recipe requires a little cooking to heat the raw eggs, but it comes together easily. You can enjoy it warm or cool – eggnog will keep for a couple days in the refrigerator.

4 egg yolks
14 oz (400 ml) can full-fat coconut milk
2 cups (475 ml) light coconut milk
1/2 cup (120 ml) maple syrup
1/8 tsp allspice, ground
1 tsp cinnamon, ground
1 tsp nutmeg, ground
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup (60 ml) spiced rum or brandy (optional)

Heat coconut milk and vanilla in a medium saucepan over low heat until warm (do NOT let it boil).

Using a blender, mix together egg yolks, maple syrup and spices (you also can use a
whisk). While blending, slowly add half of the coconut mixture to the egg yolk mixture to warm it.

Pour it all back into the saucepan and continue to warm it over low heat, whisking it until it starts to thicken. Remove it from the stove, and stir in optional rum/brandy.

Yes, you do not have to add alcohol, if you don’t want to! Enjoy!

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About the Author

Originally born and raised in Russia, Val comes from a professional background focused on customer service, business administration, and legal work. Since serving people was always something Val enjoyed, she used her life-long passion for health, fitness, and nutrition to help other women reach their transformation journey goals. Now Val is a fitness, nutrition, and mindset coach with a primary focus on wholesome holistic nutrition with over 10 years of experience in the field.

Val Sikora

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